Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Little House on the Mesa

Ok, I taught myself to crochet this week. The wonders of the Internet never cease to amaze me. I googled "How to crochet", and BAM, up popped all kinds of video tutorials, etc. That was Monday afternoon. I happened to have extra yarn from when I taught myself to knit last year, and a crochet hook that I got when knitting seemed to be "taking off" for me...Well, I knit 1 1/2 scarves, then lost interest because the yarn I got was this cool lumpy kind that was hard to see the stitches and my scarves turned out kinda crooked. However, I was told that crocheting is easier, so I decided to give it a whirl.
Whatdoyaknow?? It IS easier. AND superfun.
So, I'm now crocheting a crooked scarf for my first project (that one will be mine...or Anna's). I attempted to teach Anna, since it was HER idea to learn. That lasted 10 minutes. She threw the hook down, wound up the yarn, and headed upstairs.
Soooo, as I've had a lot of time to think while doing all this needlework, I began to think, "Hmmm, let's see. I've sewn a bonnet, 15 potholders, learned to knit, learned to crochet~all in the past year! I bake my own bread and pies. I'm beginning to feel like Caroline Ingalls!" Was I born in the wrong century? Honestly, if I could take my Kitchenaid Mixer and front-loading washing machine with me, I do believe that I would fit nicely into Pioneer Life. Ya think?


Becky said...

Martha Stewart, LOOK OUT!!!

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

you are adorable! love this post!

do you read Pioneer Woman's blog?

Melissa Flaming said...

Oh my gosh! They HAVE that? I'll check it out! Thx.

Bekah said...

You forgot to mention your swamp cooler. I think you would need some form of air conditioning back in those pioneer days too! :-)

AfricaBleu said...

Caroline--oops, I mean MELISSA,
My daughter taught herself to knit and crochet, and has progressed from many, many dishrags and scarves to a sweater, a ski cap, and two dolls. She is now working a multi-colored afghan. I can do NONE of that, so I am wondering if maybe there was a mix-up in hospital and you are supposed to be her mom.

Do any of your kids show an aptitude for aerobics, perchance?

Seriously, that's awesome--YOU'RE awesome.