Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Tap on The Shoulder

There are times when you just NEED God to tap you on the shoulder and whisper, "See, I am still here, and I love you more than you know."

This morning was one such morning. I had to take Jarrod to catch the Park-n-Ride bus at 6:30a.m. (That's a whole other blog). We arrived in plenty of time, so we kissed good-bye, and off he went to get in line. As soon as I begin to drive away I felt this grinding either in the engine or who knows where. Thankfully, I was still in the parking lot, so I called him and pulled up by the bus. Then I realized it was the back tire...flat! So, here is my Knight in Shining Armor, on the ground at the bus stop changing my tire. I helped as much as I could, but you have to understand, I was NOT dressed for the occasion; ie: jammies and bed-head.

Well, he finished just in time to get on the bus before it pulled away! I texted him as I pulled away that he was my hero, and I drove off wondering, "How in the world did the tire go flat? It was completely fine pulling into the parking lot. Oh well. I'll go get it fixed later this morning."

So, la la la, here I go back home, hoping the kids are still asleep. As I am driving down the main road, I come up to a huge wreck, complete with fire trucks, ambulances, etc. and the paramedics are trying to get people out the badly wrecked car. I called Jarrod just to tell him I am passing a wreck, and he says, "Well, that's the reason for the flat tire." WOW. "God, thank you for Your protection!" We hang up, and about another 1/2 mile up the road, as I'm heading toward my overpass, I see a police car blocking the whole 3-lane road with his car. So, I began to exit and saw 4 police cars, ambulance, fire truck on and under the overpass! There was another terrible wreck!! I called Jarrod back and said, "You won't believe this, but Paseo is blocked right where I need to go. Another bad one!"

I fully believe that God gently let the air out of that back tire in the parking lot to protect me and remind me that He has a purpose for my life today! Because lately He knows that I've been questioning Him-if He even cares about me, our family, our circumstances.
And so, there are two morals to this story:

#1-Learn to recognize God at work in your life- in the smallest of details.

#2-Brush your hair and get all of your clothes on (ahem) before going into public. It could very well save your dignity someday!


Bekah said...

Isn't our God a truly awesome God! Thanks for that gentle reminder for me too!

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

now that is cool!
I soooo would hate to be caught the way I look driving the boys to school many mornings!!!
I think that way a lot.... don't speed, your obedience could save you from an accident!
okay, I still speed a little, just not WAY bad.... *smile*

Anonymous said...

What a great reminder of God's sovereignty! Lisa's always joked that if she ever would have to leave the house w/o her "Anna Wear" (wink, wink), we better not get in a wreck.

Jessica said...

Your blog, and that post, was put in front of my eyes today for a reason! I needed those words more than you know. Man our FATHER is good!! Thank you for that lovely story!