Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2 Down, 1 To Go

No...not "pounds", although we are working on that, too.

What this title refers to is how many kids Jarrod and I have told about the "Birds and the Bees".
Yep, yesterday, I had to have "the talk" with Anna Mary. I've put it off, and put it off, hoping it would just go away, but since she has recently had to begin wearing deodorant, and was begging for a bra, I couldn't ignore it any longer. No, she doesn't NEED a bra quite yet, but if it makes her feel like a woman, what the heck! I took a HUUUUUGE breath, and began my disertation.

Hey Moms, if you need a book to guide you with your daughter...Hats off to the American Girl book, The Care and Keeping of You! Anna told me what pages she wanted me to read to her (whew, that made it easier), and of course, she was goofy and giggly the whole time. When I got to the whole, "Where babies come from", which is NOT in the book, she was sufficiently repulsed. She wouldn't let me say "the word"...she made me SPELL it every time I had to use it!!! It was hilarious!
Why in the world am I writing about this, anyway? Well, because we ALL have to deal with it someday, and my parents never told me in plain English. Jarrod and I had decided waaay back that WE would be the ones to inform our kids, not the school system or their friends. However, when yesterday rolled around I was like a nervous school kid about to give my first speech in front of my class. At least Anna's silliness helped break the tension, and she is now as informed as a 9 yr. old should be. AND she wore her little sports bra to school for the first time!
Oh my gosh...and when she told Jacob she has a bra now, you should have seen the disgusted and confused look on his face!! Here we go! Hang on and enjoy the ride.


Becky said...

Hilarious! Good for you that you guys are the ones to educate them, and not their friends! I can't wait to educate our FIVE kids!! (Oh, wait, yes I can!!) LOL!

Morgen said...

Thanks for sharing! I remembering getting my first bra in Kansas while we were visiting Grandpa and Grandma Flaming! : ) TMI? Well, it is a special memory and I think I'll be the same with Morgen. By the way, I got a sunburn while there, but I wore it anyways! There was no way I was going to miss this opportunity even though it really hurt.

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

how cute!!!

Melissa Flaming said...

I told Anna that I remember MY Mom (aka Gramma Lou) taking me to buy my first bra. It was right here in Albuquerque at Mervyn"s dept. store. I told that to Anna and she was shocked...that they had Mervyn's BACK THEN!!

Bekah said...

Classic story! We have 2 down and 2 to go. Thankfully Jason and I divided it up so that I tell the girls and he tells the boys. He'll have to have another "talk" before I do! Ha-ha! Hats off to you guys though, Jason and I agree and think "the talk" should come from mom and dad also.