Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Week Thus Far

This week has not exactly gone as planned. I DID have my piano recital, which was so sweet. Seeing 12 very nervous kids zip through their songs was a hoot!

But my sweet Caleb has had the Flu for going four days now. However, today he is becoming a LITTLE bit demanding, singing "I am hungry, I am hungry..." to the tune of "Goodnight Ladies"...not that he knows that song. This morning I decided to keep him home from school another day, and I am glad that I did. His fever is back to 102 deg. Hey, isn't there a key on here that puts that little "degree circle" after a number?? If anyone knows how to do it, please email me. It's a pet peeve of mine.

Anyway, after I dropped the other kiddos off, I had to stop at the store for the traditional milk, bread, etc. run. Caleb asked for a donut, so, being the good Momma that I am when my kids are sick I said, "Sure, Baby." We just pretended there was medicine in that donut. Seemed to make him feel better...until the sugar wore off. Oops.

He had to send this pic to Grandad (my Dad) to tease him, since Grandad LOVES donuts, and is NOT supposed to eat them. That was true Caleb form!!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Don't donuts have weight losing power in them too? Yeah, didn't think so! :-) Stay healthy taking care of you baby mama!