Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Design on a Dime...or a penny

I decided to take a little "me" time this morning and enjoy GMA until 8:00. It was ok, but then they started doing a blurb about John Lennon, and I could care less about his story, so I came to the trusty old computer to see what's happening in cyberworld.
Yesterday I began sewing the kitchen curtains. I think I did a good job; only I got the curtain rods out of the bag and realized I bought the wrong kind, so now I have to go BACK to the store and purchase another set. Also, when I got one curtain up it looked so blah...way too plain. So now I need to be creative as to what to do to "spice it up" without spending a lot of money. Maybe a rich tieback that will accent the fabric, a valance? We'll see. And, I miscalculated the measurements so it's not as full as it should be. However, I got this fabric on clearance, so chances of them having more are slim. Let's see...what can one do with two matching curtains that don't really work??
Today I am going to begin on the curtains for the living room. I got this GREAT, INCREDIBLE deal on these gorgeous, huge tablecloths from Dillards last week. I will transform them into something fabulous for our living room. We have these vertical blinds, which I would burn in a heartbeat, only we don't own this home. So I will attempt to disguise them. After that, it's on to the master bedroom curtains. Again, a fabulous deal at Dillard's, only these are $120 SHEETS that I got for $15!!!!!!!! Gotta love the Dillard's discount. I can't quit that job until my home is sufficiently decorated!!
Well, speaking of decorating, I need to go "decorate" my face and get on with my day.
OH!! By the way, I found a solution for my shower doors! "Bar Keeper's Friend" and a blue "Scotch Brand" sponge!! It took a lot of elbow grease, but they are looking soooo much better!! Thanks for all of the advice!

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