Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well, yesterday was quite an adventure. I got the kids off to school and thought, "Ok, just tackle the project you've been wanting to do for weeks now...paint the master bathroom!" I figured, maybe when I paint it that wonderful "Wooden Swing" color, it will no longer be freezing when I walk in, because, after all, a warm color is bound to boost the temperature of the room, right? My brain is so weird. And so, I began my day-long venture, and was moving right along when I get this phone call from the animal clinic...for the third time in a month! "Um, yes, I have a man on the other line who claims to have your dog." UGH!!!!!! I run downstairs and into the backyard, where I had JUST let Cookie out to go potty and, sure enough, the crazy dog had climbed halfway up the gate, PUSHED the fencing out just enough to squeeze through this tiny hole, and ran off to chase the garbage truck. I know this is true because the same thing happened last garbage day!! Fortunately, a kind gentleman saw Cookie going from house to house and brought him right to my house after I talked to him.
Ok, back to painting...with Cookie INSIDE. I realized that I needed to go pick up the kids from school, so I tucked everything away, got changed into decent clothes, and drove off. However, as I got about half a mile away from the house and made a left-hand turn, my rear tire nicked the median (thus proving why I don't usually try to turn into the proper lane!), and I blew the sidewall. I hobbled over to the side of the road up ahead, out of traffic and thought, "This is just great! Jarrod's in Santa Fe at work, he's staying the night at my parents' house anyway; my friend with whom I carpool was not home, and they had after-school plans, so I didn't want to bother her; my sister was not at home..." So I called Jarrod to let him know. Then I got ahold of my friend's husband and they were all at the school eating lunch with their kids, so they said they would pile everyone in and bring them home. Whew.
So, as I sat wondering what to do, I began to get mad....very mad. There were at least 20-30 cars that passed. Did anyone even see me?? Jarrod suggested that I just walk home and wait for the kids. So, as I am getting out, hazard lights flashing, obviously a damsel in distress, a police car PASSES RIGHT BY!!! UGH!!!!!!!! I stomped off toward home, and by the time I made it to my street I was in tears. I fell on the couch and just bawled!
I did manage to gather myself together before the kids got home, and my friend's husband and brother-in-law where so kind to go change the tire and bring the van home. After that, I just had to take a deep breath and remind myself that this is the stuff life is made of.
The night ended well, and the kids and I went to the Dollar movie and saw "Alvin and the Chipmunks". It was good to laugh.


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

love this post! thanks for sharing your day!

Stacey said...

Hi I am a friend of Beth P's and I find your blog quite real and refreshing! And I just wanted to remind you that at least a "bad guy" didn't stop to "help" you with your tire!!!

Have a better one today!!