Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Things That Inspire Me

Ok, there are two things that have inspired me this week. Number 1: a friends' blog about her "Laundry Stratagies" and Number 2: another friends' blog about weight loss.
Number 1: The Laundry Blues seem to constantly overtake me, unless I've just finished the 8-10 loads of laundry and have ONE DAY where everybody actually has clean everything, and the laundry room is empty. However, when I get up the next morning, I am saddened to find that my family actually WORE the clothes I just washed,(the nerve) which means that I will have to wash it all again very soon.
And so, my friend, Trish, who happens to have FIVE children and is extremely organized and efficient, was kind enough to blog about how she keeps up with it all. Now, granted, she has a laundry room to die for (complete with the cutest wallpaper!!), but Jarrod and I sat down on Saturday and discussed how we can implement her stratagies so that I do not throw MYSELF in the washer and call it quits! I'll let you know how it turns out...might be a few months, as I need to completely empty my existing laundry room, and start from scratch. I don't you think our landlords would notice if we cut a big hole in our bathroom floor and installed a laundry shute? No, no, no... my boys would soon be putting themselves down the shute.

Ok, number two...weight loss. As so many of us do, we hit January 1st (or 10th) and decided enough is enough! No more fatties in this house! Well, this was my year! Jarrod's 20th HS Reunion is coming up in May, and we both made an oath that we cannot show up looking like "THIS". Now, so far I've lost 4 pounds!! I try to weigh every morning (before I eat); however, there are mornings I'm afraid to step on, for fear of the number I might see. I've been exercising about 3 days a week...until two weeks ago. Somehow I find more pressing things to get done before my piano lessons start for the day, or I have to run errands, etc. So, I just need the encouragement and support of anyone out there who happens to read this blog! I really want to live healthier! Now, that being said, I will tell you right off that I refuse to "diet". Why? Because #1-I love food...anything that involves sugar, butter, bread, or beef. #2-When I say, "No more of ___" I am scarfing it down by the end of the day. #3-I firmly believe that God put food on this earth to enjoy! So my solution? I don't have to eat the whole dozen donnuts to be satisfied; one will do. I don't need 2 Tbsp. of butter to eat one roll; eat TWO rolls...just kidding! I don't have to eat a whole loaf of my homemade bread! One nice sized slice will suffice! And as far as beef? When I savor each bite of steak (which is a rare occasion anyway), I find that a 6-8oz cut is plenty!! All of that to say, I need to get off my backside and get on my exercise machine that I swore never to hang clothes on!! Please pray for me, as I've never had to struggle with my weight until the third kid came along (thanks a lot Caleb - hee hee). My focus is HEALTH and caring for God's temple, not having a Skinny Model Bod. Thanks for listening...I needed that!


Becky said...

Hi Melissa!
I am so there with you on both laundry and the weight issue!!! I read Trish's blog about her way of dealing with it and was very encouraged! We've got to get those kids in on helping with it too! We can't (and shouldn't) do it all by ourselves- all of our kids (except my twins) are capable of doing something helpful in this area! Even our husbands are capable of helping (now, notice I said capable, not nescesarily willing! LOL!) And the weight, oh yes, I can so relate. I refuse to diet too. They never work because we have to change the way we eat and think about food, not just deprive ourselves of it. It's a whole bunch of moderation and the basic fact that in order to lose weight, you've got to burn more calories than you take in. bottom line. period. Basic science. Now, doing that is a whole other thing! I will be praying for you as you tackle these daily struggles! Love you!

Bekah said...

You inspired me to blog about my laundry woes too! And after I wrote my blog and looked at the embarassing picture I just posted, I got all the laundry done and put away in like 30 minutes. I know and hear your struggles girl! Cute little skinny Alexis did me in at pregnancy #4 too! Her being cute makes up for my fat I guess :-)
Hang in there, I'm praying for you and thinking or you every time I do my laundry now. :-)

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

Go girl! Both endevors sound like fun! I agree about the laundry shoot thing, way to scary to think of what little boys would do with that...scary....