Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hard Water Woes

Since I haven't received any help from my FaceBook family, I thought I would pose my question here.

Does ANYONE have a solution (that actually works) for removing the nasty hard water deposits on my glass shower walls?!?!?

I've tried everything just shy of acid and a sledge hammer, and it is STILL refusing to leave! Just imagine what that water is doing to my insides when I try to get my 8 glasses in per day. Never mind, don't try to imagine that. I will take suggestions from housewives, men who clean showers, Hints from Heloise....I'm desperate!


Tyler and Gillian said...

We had some pretty tough water spots when we moved into this house and I used Soft Scrub...worked for me! And it takes crayon marks off of ANYTHING!

tkoerner said...

Try some of Jarrod's SWEAT. Who knows that might your fortune right there. You could bottle that stuff.


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

HAve you tried vinegar?

Bekah said...

I have been having the same problem and one of my friends that cleans houses told me to buy the Fantastik Apple scent cleaner. She said something about the apple scented one just works the best. I haven't tried it yet but it's the next thing I'm going to try once I get to the store.

Suzanne said... shower doors?

I just thought I would tell you I live by Jer 29:11. It has been my life verse. I often times forget it when I'm in the midst of the storm and then it always comes as a reminder from God through His word, a friend or some random item that was intentional by HIM.