Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back 2 School...finally!

Well, we made it through the long summer and the kids are back in school!! Yea! Oh come on, you know you thought the same thing with your kids! :)

This summer was extra long as we decided to put our kiddos in a new school. It's a charter school in Albuquerque that run year long. They have 3 months on starting in September, then December off, then 3 more months and then April off. Finally they go 3 more months and then have August off. So, this year our kids an extra long vacation...and we all felt it. Here are some pics from the first day of school. Jacob is in 4th grade, Anna in 3rd and Caleb in 1st.

Caleb is not too sure about this new school thing. There we a couple of times when I think tears were on the verge of coming out.

Anna Mary is ready for some great new adventures in a new school.
At least she has a friend from church that sits next to her.

And then there's Jacob...our pre-teenager. Yes, he's only 9, but he looks and sometimes acts like he's 14. His basic attitude on the first day was, "Ok, guys, I'm a big boy now you don't have to stick around and fuss over me and take pictures. I've done this before and I can do it on my own...just go!" :( Ok, so we left him alone.

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