Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hey y'all! We've moved our blog! Come on over to to find out why! There's some crazy new stuff happening and it's all explained over there, so hurry!!

In case you need to catch up on what's happened previously, or just want to see one of those funny family stories, this old blog will still be here... 'til the end of time.

Note:Please update all of your blog lists and email subscriptions for our family blog to the new address effective immediately!

House-hunting 301

The reason I named this post "301" is because we've been looking for so long that we are no longer novices!

I've got the greatest house-hunting story yet! This is taken from "Memoirs of a Desperate Couples' Search for a Better Life". Read on for a good laugh...

What we THOUGHT we would see...
Saturday Jarrod and I went to see another house. The ad made it sound PERFECT for our family: Adobe home on LUSH 1 acre, yada, yada...I had called and arranged to meet the owner . We arrived at HIS house, and followed him to THE house. As we begin winding through "scary town" in the North Valley, a much sought after part of Albuquerque due to it's location on the Rio Grande, Jarrod says, "I can tell you already, we ain't takin' this place!"

Truth Revealed..
(not the actual house...but you get the picture)

So, we arrive at the "Adobe House", which are very common in NM, and many times hard to acquire. It's 100 yrs. old- "for reals" (as they say here). Out of this nice big red pick-up steps this very short Mexican man with his hair combed from the back of the crown to his forehead in little curls. He is more than proud to be showing us the home he was raised in. This place looked like it should probably be condemned, but to be cordial we proceed. As we enter the house, Jarrod and I noticed that the saltillo tile floors were most likely just layed on top of the dirt underneath-no levels used here. Jarrod and I had to duck through all the doorways and hunch over through the whole house!! Obviously, this house was made by short little Mexicans like the nice man showing us the place... 7ft. ceilings!! This place is a definite NO. BUT!!!...

Then he wanted to take us on a journey through the LUSH 1 acre...of weeds! First we got to watch a "doodle bug" pit, where doodle bugs capture ants and throw dirt at them then suck them under the ground. No, I am not kidding here. Ok, that was interesting, but we STILL aren't taking this place.

Off to the "Back 40" where he shows us the old outhouse, with the door his Dad used to use for an extra table top at family gatherings! eeww.

Next we wind through sticker bushes and dead alfalfa hay to a spot where his grampa and uncles would heat up rocks until they were red-hot and throw them in this little pool of water for a steam hut. Again, not something I needed to know.

Then, further down were some big logs around what used to be a campfire. HERE, he tells us, is where he and his brothers would drink a 6-pack (bribed from some older cousins) and play their guitars (at this point he sits on one of the logs and begins playing AIR GUITAR!!!) You should have seen us! We were trying desperately not to laugh. I can honestly tell you that going through these experiences with Jarrod makes it so worth it all! We GET it. We laugh and cry together. It's so fun!

And the price for this lovely acreage complete with adobe hut??? $895 a month!!!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Day

Nothing much to write about except that I am fully convinced that God has a really, really special house for us. Why? Because I've worked my butt off searching for a cheaper place to live for the past 6 weeks, and the results have been rather bleak. The couple of homes we liked that were actually in our price range rented immediately or I even had one lady say, "I'm sorry, this one would be too small for your family." ~like she can determine that. Do ya want to rent the place or not?!? I'll bet she lives next door and doesn't want kids around.
Today Jarrod and I took our list of 16 possibilities and headed to the North Valley. Most of what we saw was trash. Ok, the homes around them were cool, but who wants to live in a trashy home NEXT DOOR to coolness?
Anyway, I'm rambling. We have 4 weeks left. My heart could get all freaky that it's only 30+ days, but my spirit knows that my God is way bigger than "30+ days". We've laid out our needs and our "really, really wants" to God so many times that I'm sure He's going, "Ok, already, I hear ya!" If there is one thing I've been learning during this past year and a decade it's to "Keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking."

So, God, I'm baaaa-aack! Guess what I'm gonna ask you about again? :) I'm sure glad He never gets tired of me!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Public Snoring

As many of you know I use public transportation everyday to get to work. Every morning about 6:20 I board a 57-passenger bus that heads north on I-25 to Santa Fe and then again about 4:25 back south to Albuquerque. During this 45-50 minute commute, twice a day, it is... hmmm... interesting is the word that comes to mind. Yes, very interesting. As the old song goes, "It takes all kinds to make a world" and whoever wrote that probably rode a bus.

Well, one of the benefits of having a commute where you personally don't have to drive is that you can do other things, such as read, write in your journal, listen to music or sleep. I actually do a combination of these things, and just about in that same order. Now, especially in that early morning hour, but certainly not limited to it, there tends to be a lot of sleeping on the bus. And as you can imagine 57 passengers sitting fairly close to one another, you get to see a lot of... oh yes, interesting people.

Now, public snoring tends to be something that happens quite frequently on public transportation and my question is what are the rules or protocol for dealing with such a nuisance. Sometimes I just put my headphones on and try to drown out the annoying sound.

So, last week there was this guy sitting in front of me that was snoring. The guy sitting next to him was obviously annoyed as well as he kept glancing, no glaring over at the snorer. Well, in the RARE occasion that I've been told that I snore, it's been mentioned that one way to alleviate the problem is to nudge the person and they stop. Yes, I tried it... just barely... and it worked. For a few seconds. So, I waited... and waited... then nudged harder. It worked again. This time even longer. But then he started sawing logs again. Ugh! "I'm trying to read here buddy!", I wanted to shout. So, this time I nudged even harder. Oops! Too hard! He turned around and looked at me like, "What are you doing? What do you want?" He didn't say anything and I just looked at him like, "Oh, sorry. Did I bump you?" He turned back around without saying a word and started snoring in 2 seconds. I gave up.

Last night, an older gentleman was curled up on two seats snoring away. What can you do? Well, I think that nudging is reserved only for someone you know personally, and wouldn't mind saying, "Hey, you're snoring" if they look at you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

School Morning Reflections

Will there ever come a time when kids actually get up and out the door all on their own? We have a daily tornado that blows through our home. It's a simple process, really, but one would think that my kids have never gotten ready for school in their life. Uniforms SHOULD make it all the more simple. I even made their lunches at 6:30am so that I could make their breakfast at 6:45, so they could simply get out of bed, put on their clothes, make their beds, fix their hair, come down the stairs, blah, blah, blah.

Today is "Picture Day". Mind you, we never order pics from the school because I personally think it's ludicrous to pay upwards of $35-40 PER CHILD for a bunch of wallet-sized likenesses of them that will get lost in some drawer. Plus, we don't HAVE $35-40 per child for these pictures. Either Jarrod takes their pics, or I take them to the local Walmart for about $8-10 per kid, and I think they look every bit as good. However, they still have to get all gussied-up for this occasion. Jacob and Anna have the fashion thing down. They looked great running out the door this morning.
Caleb?? Well, since birth, his idea of dressing up has been an old pair of sweats and a grubby football jersey. Only today he picked out a shiny jersey, but I had to inform him that play clothes are not for school pics. Here come the tears....again. There IS no changing his mind. We've fought with him over clothes since...well, since birth. He still will only wear elastic waist matter what! For those of you who are saying, "Well, who's the boss here?", let me state that I've chosen my battles with Caleb for now. With Jarrod gone at 6am, I mentally cannot deal with getting kids out the door at 7:25am and Caleb screaming and crying over "normal" pants! I'm completely willing to begin bribing the kid. When Jarrod is here some glorious morning, we'll tackle it together. So, until that time Caleb will have to wear his khaki shorts to school...even in December. #1- I am not searching all over Tarnation for elastic-waist khaki pants in a size 8! #2-he has outgrown his last two pair of elastic-waist khakis. Not to mention that he is totally unaware that only "old men" wear elastic!
Who would have thought that our battle with Caleb would be over his clothing woes? But looking into those beautiful eyes helps me to see the bigger picture. I love this kid.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Everybody Loves the Fair

The Midway at night.
Saturday proved to be a "Great Day at the Fair"! We met my sister and her family there and had a great time.
My favorite part of going to the fair is PEOPLE WATCHING. I come from a long line of "people watchers". Don't try to deny that you get a kick out of it, too. I think God has a great sense of humor! I'm including several pics of what one will see at the New Mexico State Fair.

Hey...if he's going to fix his hair like this he's just asking for me to take his picture!

My sister freaked out when I took this picture. He wasn't looking, Donna! And, I kindly covered up the bad stuff.

Now, this was a common look at the Fair. Who knew that shorts and cowboy boots were the latest fashion?
Now, I mentioned on my Facebook status on Saturday that I couldn't wait to eat a Navajo Taco. Well, I actually got to eat one, and let me tell you, it was AWESOME!! Only mine was, of course, smothered in Green Chili.
The nine of us basically ate for 5 hours straight, because that's what you do at the fair, right? Everything from snow cones, to cotton candy and roasted corn, corn dogs and pizza, to BBQ sandwiches. Are you feeling a little woozy?

To top it off...I will not be ashamed to tell you... my sister and I shared a... DEEP FRIED CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!! It was unbelievable! The kids all thought it was gross, which made it all the better, because that means Donna and I didn't have to share it with anyone...well, Jarrod took a couple of bites. If that doesn't make you hungry, then perhaps you would opt for a...

deep fried Twinkie, or a deep fried Snickers?

One of my piano students had 2 rabbits entered at the Fair, so we all went to the animal barns to see them. Cute? Of course.

We let the kids choose one ride each, because it adds up fast, AND to be honest, I don't trust those rickety rides or the people who run them. They all chose the kids bungee jump. They had a blast!




Lindsey (the only one who could actually do back-flips!)

We left about 10:00, with sore feet and tired bodies.

Good times.

B - R - E - A - K - I - N - G N - E - W - S!

This just in!
One more picture that was not available at press time has been presented. I wanted to you to be sure to get the full "picture" of what our time at the fair was like. You're welcome! Here it is:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Anna Mary...the rest of the story

I love that my Anna Mary is such a "Puss in Boots". A friend of mine in Siloam gave me that description of her after I told her about the "real" things that she does when it's just us...I've called Poison Control on her more than once! She's a scientist in the making; always inventing, experimenting, playing tricks on the boys (or her parents). One would never suspect this of her simply by looking at her beautiful, angelic face.
If you've ever seen Shrek...then you know what I mean by "Puss in Boots". The big eyes that capture anyone who looks at him are only a cover for the true adventurer he really is.

Well, this last week my sweet Anna Mary began a new adventure: The Road to the "Celestial City".
For the past week Jarrod has been reading "Pilgrim's Progress" to us before bed. The kids are loving it! If you've never read it, the story is about Pilgrim, and his journey to the Celestial City. Granted, we had to find a child's version because John Bunyan wrote it in the 1600's, so even the "modern version" that we first began to read from was waaayyy too hard to understand. Thanks to the public library, I was able to find a kid's version "The Dangerous Journey", and we love it!
So, after reading one night Anna was tucked into bed, and within a few minutes she was crying uncontrollably. I ran in there, and she couldn't tell me WHY she was crying or WHAT was wrong. Momma knew...God was opening up her little heart to show her how much she needed Him. So I called for Jarrod and we asked her if she knew for sure if Jesus lived inside of her, and if she knew if she was going to heaven, like Pilgrim. She said, and this for the first time ever, that she DIDN'T know. We've prayed for several years for her to see her need for Christ, and it was obvious to me that she finally did. So, she prayed with Jarrod and me, and she asked Jesus to save her and live in her and forgive her for her sins. It was beautiful!

Now to know that all three of our kiddos belong to the King is the most incredible feeling in the world! Jesus can come back to take us home now, as far as I'm concerned! That is something that I've asked Him to wait for. I wanted to KNOW that Anna belonged to Him first.

And, miracle of miracles, afterward Jacob offered to let her sleep in his bed and he on the floor so she wouldn't have to be alone. Wow.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

So Anna Mary and I were watching "Night at the Museum" Sunday afternoon. All the creatures had come to life and she says, "So, is it 'Tequila the Hunn'?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jumping on the Couch

Did I get your attention? Below is my definition.
Jumping on the Couch ~ something Mom's secretly do when their kids aren't looking; a blissful reaction to the realization that the house can now be kept clean for 5-7 hours a day; occuring around September and January.

This post is about my kids going back to school. Tuesday, Sept. 2nd was the big day. The kids were actually excited to go back.
On the way to school Tuesday morning, I was driving along and so it began:

"Mom, when we get there, no 'huggies and kissies', ok?...Well, just 'huggies'," says Anna.
"And don't call us any silly names, Mom!" Caleb chimes in. (What? Me? Like "Sweetie" or "Cay-cay") Oh, alright. I'll refrain.

"You're not, like, going to walk in with us, are you?" asks Jacob, very cool-like.

"You bet I am!" says I. Hey, I got dressed up. I'm not in my sweats and a ponytail. And, as long as I feel the need, I'll be taking them in on their first day every year!
So, as we hauled all of the STUFF into their classrooms (see "Wifey-Poo's" post on how ridiculously long the school supply list is!) I tried my best to be the cool mom, and just let them go to their desks and ignore my presence. I did require a hug from Caleb and Anna, who secretly wanted one, but didn't want to ask. I held myself back from kissing their heads and calling them "Sweetie", and simply took one picture of each of them before their friends saw me...GASP!!

Then I walked to the car feeling rather melancholy about the whole thing. (Good thing I AM melancholy so that these feelings don't take me by surprise). I sat in my van and took a picture of myself to send to Jarrod. This was to prove that I looked good sending them off to school...and that I was about to go home and JUMP ON THE COUCH!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Proud Dad

One of the other things we got to do Saturday after the fun center was go out to eat. Our family loves to go out. Yes, our kids definitely get it from us. :) We haven't been out for a long time, so this felt like a real treat.

Melissa and I shared a special moment during this meal.

One of the things we have taught our kids to do is their own ordering in a restaurant. At first they were embarassed and talked so quietly they could hardly be heard. Not so now. They are now so used to talking to the wait staff, they will ask on their own for a drink refill, or just speak up on their own if they are missing something. We had Lindsey, a cousin, with us too and she is also very capable of speaking up for herself. (Good job, D&D)

Everytime the waitress brought something to one of the kids, or interacted in some way with them, they were very polite and said 'please' and 'thank you'. And she noticed. She said to them that she appreciated their manners and "Good job, Mom and Dad" and patted us on the back.

I was proud. Great job, kids!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The miracles haven't stopped yet...Yea!!

Well, what a change today has been from the rest of the week. And to think -- God knew it was coming all along. (insert sighs of relief repeatedly here)

I will mostly be posting some pics from our day and let you decide what kind of day it was. I will, however, give you a brief introduction.

The day started out with Jacob and me going to Men's breakfast at church. Now, just the breakfast alone would've been worth getting up for, which comes from Weck's. Bacon, Eggs, Hashbrowns, Tortillas and Green Chile sauce...mmmmmmmm! Ok, ok.

So the better part of the breakfast was actually being reminded from pastor that we men are to be warriors and we have a battle to fight, we have weapons to fight with and we are not alone in the fight. The reminder that we are not alone was the best part for me. Then we broke into "huddles" and answered 2 questions with each other. 1. What battles have you been facing this week? and 2. How can your "Band of Brothers" help you face those battles?"

Well, if that wasn't an open invitation to share, I don't know what is. So I did. Just getting it off of my chest was a huge relief, but that's not all. One of our elders was at the table and it hit him why God had put a certain passage in 1 Samuel on his heart this morning. Short story (ha ha) is that God wanted him to give my family and me a gift. He paid for me to take the family to a fun center for a great day! Two other guys helped as well. Then later today, we received two other gifts. Oh my!

Now, I will say that seeing God move that way was simply awesome. But, even more than that, I now have 4 other men, in my church, who know exactly where I'm at, love me anyway and are there to see us through this battle. They were so encouraging!

Now here is the fun we had today. Enjoy these life-enhancing photos of my beautiful family having a totally fun-filled day.

What a fun family!!

I climbed this 30' rock wall too, and I'll try to post a short video later.

How many hole-in-one's did I have?


Mr. Nascar

What a cutie!

Get a load of that laughing face. He had a blast!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wifey -Poo's Perspective

We have indeed learned so much this week...actually, make that THE PAST TWO YEARS!!

Example: We, as a family, shared some good times together over a meal or going on a walk this week that were totally FREE. Yesterday I was in bed with a summer cold (that's code for "Sick because of too much stress"), and my precious rugrats took such good care of me- taking my temperature, laying in bed with me, actually letting me take a 2 hr. nap, which I NEVER do.

I know money isn't everything. I've always known that. But let me tell you, it sure is fun when you have it!! This morning the kids and I headed out to get the remainder of their school supplies. They had a blast picking out folders, binders, ziploc bags. The list is rather ridiculous. When we were in school, didn't we just take like a pack of pencils, Big Chief notepad, and some Kleenex?? Today, as I scanned the list before me I thought, "I am NOT spending $20 on 7 canisters of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes for three kids!!! Germs are good for them! And 5 bottles of Purell?!? You're out of your mind!!" I personally saw how many items went unopened at the end of last year in their classrooms. What are these teachers doing? Taking them home for personal use? Breeeeeaaaathe.

Ok, so we got what I deemed necessary, and $96 later (and this, even after they all went to the "Backpack Giveaway" at church last month), my kids were all smiles, like kids should be when they get a bunch of goodies.

Next we were off to the grocery store. Please understand that I am just one of those moms who dreads shopping with other humans around me. Call me rude and uncaring, but I love to shop totally alone. I'm a loner and I don't apologize. Grocery shopping energizes me...if I'm alone. Get the pic? Ok, but I decided to make a little sacrifice and let my kids "help" me.

Guess what?? They actually helped me! Yes, I forgot some of the items on my list, but we all got out of there without crying or yelling at eachother. In fact, as in our school supply adventure, we all walked out with smiles on our faces.
This isn't even half of what we came home with, but just seeing what's right here makes my heart grateful for a good God who knows what it takes to live.
Mind you, this doesn't mean that I want to shop with the whole fam every two weeks, but since I had to, I sure am glad it was a pleasant experience...AND that God was so good to provide the means to BUY the things we needed. He truly does supply aaaaaaaalllll of our needs.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


per·spec·tive - the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc.

I gained a new perspective on our situation this afternoon and just thought I'd share it with you. We've been in quite a glum condition this week and holding out hope that God would come through for us. To put it bluntly, I am in a job that simply does not pay enough to meet our needs. I have been trying for some time to find a better paying job, but nothing has worked out. God knows why and I don't have to know right now.

It was so bad this week that I didn't even have the $6.00 to take the bus to and from work. I stayed home. And don't even ask if we had enough gas for me to drive to Santa Fe and back. Ha!

Anyway, that is not why I am writing. Tomorrow is payday, and it is the payday from which the rent money is supposed to come. However this check won't cover it, let alone putting gas in the vehicles, finish getting school supplies, oh and groceries. You know, the basics of life. :) But, God knows our needs, and he promises to take care of us and meet our needs. He also says in that we are not to worry about food or clothing, because if He can take care of flowers and the birds, how much more will He care for us! I know, easier said that done...believe me!

Well as I was on my way home tonight, of course pondering all of these things, (pondering sounds really spiritual, huh? Like "and Mary pondered all of these things in her heart...") Sorry. Anyway, I was pondering on my way home this evening when I realized that at least one miracle that I hadn't even been looking for had just taken place. God got us through this week! I've been looking for money from heaven (no, not manna, money) and for it to be in buckets. But, just like when He provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness, He provides just enough of what we need. We didn't need the buckets of money...yet.

Now, our due date for the rent is the 1st, and it's not late until after the 3rd, so in reality, God still has that long to provide the rest of what we need. Isn't He good? He let us do without what we thought we needed this week - just enough - and it drew us closer to Him, and each other for that matter. Then, we get just a bit of relief by Him giving us a hint of His perspective.

What is it that you need His perspective on?

They're all signed up!

Yesterday was "Meet the Teacher" day at school. Jarrod and I took our three little munchkins and got them all signed up and ready for another year of school.
The funny thing is that the school is so small they don't actually need to MEET the teacher, just find the room they will go to come September 2nd.
Jacob and Anna Mary will be IN THE SAME CLASS this year! They are in a multi-age classroom (4th and 5th grades). I am really excited, the more I've learned about the benefits of two grades together. I'd be glad to share my findings on this, if you ask; otherwise, I won't bore you with the details here.
Caleb is going into 2nd grade, and has a new teacher, who is coming from a local Christian Academy, so I'm thrilled with that news!! She will teach them music every day!!!! As a music teacher myself, this thrills my soul, and makes me want to break out in song! Again, I will only do this if you ask. :)
I spent this week sorting through school uniforms to see what fits, what doesn't, and making sure each of my little munchkins have khaki pants that actually reach their feet, and burgandy polos that cover their tummies. CHECK!! We're all set!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What God does...

So, I've been wanting to put a post on our blog, but don't seem to either have the inspiration or the time. It seems like I wait to post anything until there's just too much to post at one time. I need to get in the habit of other blogger friends that just post a quick note and a pic, like my friend Jason. His posts are great little snippets into their lives. I need to do that more.

Now another reason why I probably haven't posted in a while (other than the silly Olympics clip) is that I've been depressed. Yes, it's true. Unfortunately, Jarrod is not always upbeat, happy and full of fun. Why? Money, er the lack of. Why do we have to have money to live?! Ever ask that? Why does everything cost? Can't we all just live in this big world and share everything? :)

I'm nearing 40 years old (39 this December) and I'm still in what I would consider an entry-level job. If the job itself isn't entry-level, then the pay definitely is. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but this isn't it. Jesus said that He came to give us "a rich and satisfying life". The one I'm living right now is far from that. How did I get here? More importantly, how in the world do I get out of here?

Last week our pastor spoke about Blind Bartimaeus (hey, I spelled that w/o looking!) in Mark 10 starting at verse 46. I've heard this story many times before. Bart, as I call him, is sitting along the side of the road as a beggar. All he really has is a cloak. It's his life; his home; even his livlihood as it's where people toss coins as he begs. It is said that this cloak could very well have represented more than half his wealth.

How did Bart get here? Was he always blind? Has he always been a beggar? I don't know, but for some reason he is in this condition now. As we all do, he had a choice as to whether or not he would just accept his condition as his lot in life and settle, or not. Sometimes when our conditions change, we just settle, even though we know this is not the life God has for us.

But, he heard Jesus, the Messiah, was coming by. When Jesus comes by, everything has the potential to change. For me, where I'm at today, is not where my health, my career or my finances should be. So, what do I do when "Jesus comes by"?

Now Bart couldn't see, but he uses what he has left (his hearing) and when he hears that Jesus is coming he shouts out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Bart stating that Jesus was the son of David was a statement of faith. It says that he believes that Jesus is the Messiah and being in the middle of a bunch of Jews, that was a bold statement. Some of those around him tried to hush him up. But, he persisted and shouted all the louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"

Well, above all the noise of a raucous crowd, Jesus heard Bart's cries of faith and sent word for Bart to come see him. Then Bart threw aside his cloak. Remember, this is his life, his shelter his livlihood and he is blind, but he throws it to the side. Now, to me, that means that he so believes in Jesus that he is either not going to need that cloak anymore (not have to beg) or that he is at least going to have his sight (be healed) and be able to find it again. Then, he jumped up and went to Jesus. It doesn't say they led him to Jesus, but he found his way to him.

Then Jesus asks, "What do you want?" as if He doesn't already know. Of course Jesus knew Bart's condition, just like he knows yours and mine. But I think that He wants us to communicate our need to Him. Bart told Jesus that he wanted to see. There aren't any formulas. Bart didn't have to say the right prayer 4 days in a row or any other kind of "magical" procedure. He just stated it very faith. In faith, believing that Jesus could do it.

Jesus healed him and Bart followed Him. So, I'm crying out in faith like Bart did. I'm getting up from my "beggar position" and asking God to change my condition.

Do you ever feel you've settled for less that God's best?

Friday, August 22, 2008


Please check out my Ebay site. I've begun listing custom handmade ski caps for sale!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Captain Underpants and Boxer Boy

Ahh, the joy of having boys.

This poor, poor dog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Update on Adolescence

Last night Jacob told me that he's just so jealous of ALL of his friends, because they ALL get to date. I said, "Well...really? Uh, where do they get to go, and how do they get there? They're only 10-11."
Jacob, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I dunno."
I replied, "Jacob, sweetie, I think your friends might be telling you some tall tales. I don't think they really go on dates, because it's another 5 years or so until they can drive anywhere to GO on a date. What do you think?"
Jacob agreed.
"Don't worry, Jake. You have lots of time."
I DID tell him that next week, when I drive for his field trip, that Katie-Lynn can go with us. I could tell that he was trying to figure out how many we can fit in our truck, and if it would be cool to have girls (one, in particular) come along.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Does Anyone Have a Paper Bag???

I am trying not to hyperventilate, but, you see, my 10 year old son just told me last night, and this for the first time EVER, that he likes a girl at school! I knew there was a reason that he was acting "differently" yesterday.

It happened like this:

Jacob: "Mom, can I call Dad?"

Me: "Sure, Babe."

Jacob: "Mom, can you take Cookie downstairs while I talk to Dad?"

Me: "Ok...what's THAT about? Oh well."

(Melissa walks back upstairs to hear the tail end of the conversation)

Jacob: " 15 or 16? Oh, ok. Hey, do you want to talk to Mom?"

(hands Melissa the phone)

...30 minutes later...

Jacob: "Mom, how old were you when you went on your first date?"

Me: "Oh, I think about 16 or so. Why? (hee hee hee)"

Jacob: "I just wanted to know...(pause)...Well, ok, I'll tell you....

I like this girl."

(Melissa about chokes on her spit, and fumbles with her next crochet stitch, then takes a deep breath and calmly says,)

Me: "You do? Wow. What's her name?"

Jacob: " Katie-Lynn."

(Melissa sighs. A good sigh, though, as that is the cutest name!)

Me: " Oh, she's in your class, isn't she? What is it that you like about her?"

Jacob: "She's really nice, Mom."

( Conversation continues for a couple minutes)

Me: "Well, Jacob, I think it's wonderful that you are friends with her. You just keep on being her good friend, ok?"

Jacob (very relieved to have gotten this off his chest): "Ok, Mom."

Whew. Where was Jarrod when I needed him? Up in Santa Fe, but as soon as I tucked Jacob in and prayed with him, I ran downstairs and called Jarrod on speed-dial to tell him all I had just endured!

You see, just the night before we had been talking to some friends of ours about how Jacob is still in the "Girls are gross" stage. And even if he did like a girl, he'd NEVER admit it! Since he looks 15 years old, he has been getting some "looks" from teeny-bopper girls this summer, but he's been scared out of his wits as to what to do with that!! He's 10 years old, for Pete's sake!!

I caught him taking this picture of himself this morning! Hilarious!

And so, once again, I tightened my grip on this thing we call life, and I'm hanging on by my fingernails!!
Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Little House on the Mesa

Ok, I taught myself to crochet this week. The wonders of the Internet never cease to amaze me. I googled "How to crochet", and BAM, up popped all kinds of video tutorials, etc. That was Monday afternoon. I happened to have extra yarn from when I taught myself to knit last year, and a crochet hook that I got when knitting seemed to be "taking off" for me...Well, I knit 1 1/2 scarves, then lost interest because the yarn I got was this cool lumpy kind that was hard to see the stitches and my scarves turned out kinda crooked. However, I was told that crocheting is easier, so I decided to give it a whirl.
Whatdoyaknow?? It IS easier. AND superfun.
So, I'm now crocheting a crooked scarf for my first project (that one will be mine...or Anna's). I attempted to teach Anna, since it was HER idea to learn. That lasted 10 minutes. She threw the hook down, wound up the yarn, and headed upstairs.
Soooo, as I've had a lot of time to think while doing all this needlework, I began to think, "Hmmm, let's see. I've sewn a bonnet, 15 potholders, learned to knit, learned to crochet~all in the past year! I bake my own bread and pies. I'm beginning to feel like Caroline Ingalls!" Was I born in the wrong century? Honestly, if I could take my Kitchenaid Mixer and front-loading washing machine with me, I do believe that I would fit nicely into Pioneer Life. Ya think?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Caleb's Way of Thinking

Last week when I sent a lunch with Caleb to school, I thought I was being a really cool Mom by including Girl Scout Cookies. He loves cookies.

So, that evening I heard him talking about his lunch, how his Kool-aid thing had "leaked ALL OVER and made his stuff wet".

"Oh, no! Did it get your sandwich wet?", I asked.

"No. It was just a tiny little drop." Caleb replied.

(It leaked ALL OVER in one tiny little drop.)

Then I said, "Didn't you eat your Girl Scout Cookies?"

Caleb's response: "No."

My shock: "Why??"

Caleb, very matter-of-factly: "Mom!!.... Giiiirrrl Scout?"

The kid did not eat them because they have the name GIRL in them!!!
