Friday, August 29, 2008

Wifey -Poo's Perspective

We have indeed learned so much this week...actually, make that THE PAST TWO YEARS!!

Example: We, as a family, shared some good times together over a meal or going on a walk this week that were totally FREE. Yesterday I was in bed with a summer cold (that's code for "Sick because of too much stress"), and my precious rugrats took such good care of me- taking my temperature, laying in bed with me, actually letting me take a 2 hr. nap, which I NEVER do.

I know money isn't everything. I've always known that. But let me tell you, it sure is fun when you have it!! This morning the kids and I headed out to get the remainder of their school supplies. They had a blast picking out folders, binders, ziploc bags. The list is rather ridiculous. When we were in school, didn't we just take like a pack of pencils, Big Chief notepad, and some Kleenex?? Today, as I scanned the list before me I thought, "I am NOT spending $20 on 7 canisters of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes for three kids!!! Germs are good for them! And 5 bottles of Purell?!? You're out of your mind!!" I personally saw how many items went unopened at the end of last year in their classrooms. What are these teachers doing? Taking them home for personal use? Breeeeeaaaathe.

Ok, so we got what I deemed necessary, and $96 later (and this, even after they all went to the "Backpack Giveaway" at church last month), my kids were all smiles, like kids should be when they get a bunch of goodies.

Next we were off to the grocery store. Please understand that I am just one of those moms who dreads shopping with other humans around me. Call me rude and uncaring, but I love to shop totally alone. I'm a loner and I don't apologize. Grocery shopping energizes me...if I'm alone. Get the pic? Ok, but I decided to make a little sacrifice and let my kids "help" me.

Guess what?? They actually helped me! Yes, I forgot some of the items on my list, but we all got out of there without crying or yelling at eachother. In fact, as in our school supply adventure, we all walked out with smiles on our faces.
This isn't even half of what we came home with, but just seeing what's right here makes my heart grateful for a good God who knows what it takes to live.
Mind you, this doesn't mean that I want to shop with the whole fam every two weeks, but since I had to, I sure am glad it was a pleasant experience...AND that God was so good to provide the means to BUY the things we needed. He truly does supply aaaaaaaalllll of our needs.

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