Thursday, August 28, 2008


per·spec·tive - the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc.

I gained a new perspective on our situation this afternoon and just thought I'd share it with you. We've been in quite a glum condition this week and holding out hope that God would come through for us. To put it bluntly, I am in a job that simply does not pay enough to meet our needs. I have been trying for some time to find a better paying job, but nothing has worked out. God knows why and I don't have to know right now.

It was so bad this week that I didn't even have the $6.00 to take the bus to and from work. I stayed home. And don't even ask if we had enough gas for me to drive to Santa Fe and back. Ha!

Anyway, that is not why I am writing. Tomorrow is payday, and it is the payday from which the rent money is supposed to come. However this check won't cover it, let alone putting gas in the vehicles, finish getting school supplies, oh and groceries. You know, the basics of life. :) But, God knows our needs, and he promises to take care of us and meet our needs. He also says in that we are not to worry about food or clothing, because if He can take care of flowers and the birds, how much more will He care for us! I know, easier said that done...believe me!

Well as I was on my way home tonight, of course pondering all of these things, (pondering sounds really spiritual, huh? Like "and Mary pondered all of these things in her heart...") Sorry. Anyway, I was pondering on my way home this evening when I realized that at least one miracle that I hadn't even been looking for had just taken place. God got us through this week! I've been looking for money from heaven (no, not manna, money) and for it to be in buckets. But, just like when He provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness, He provides just enough of what we need. We didn't need the buckets of money...yet.

Now, our due date for the rent is the 1st, and it's not late until after the 3rd, so in reality, God still has that long to provide the rest of what we need. Isn't He good? He let us do without what we thought we needed this week - just enough - and it drew us closer to Him, and each other for that matter. Then, we get just a bit of relief by Him giving us a hint of His perspective.

What is it that you need His perspective on?


Suzanne said...

Financial strains are so tiring. But you are right that it draws us closer to Him. When it is impossible for us, and He provides, then it is Him who gets the glory.

RoverHaus said...

I love your perspective! I blogged about you. Hope that is ok!