Monday, September 1, 2008

Proud Dad

One of the other things we got to do Saturday after the fun center was go out to eat. Our family loves to go out. Yes, our kids definitely get it from us. :) We haven't been out for a long time, so this felt like a real treat.

Melissa and I shared a special moment during this meal.

One of the things we have taught our kids to do is their own ordering in a restaurant. At first they were embarassed and talked so quietly they could hardly be heard. Not so now. They are now so used to talking to the wait staff, they will ask on their own for a drink refill, or just speak up on their own if they are missing something. We had Lindsey, a cousin, with us too and she is also very capable of speaking up for herself. (Good job, D&D)

Everytime the waitress brought something to one of the kids, or interacted in some way with them, they were very polite and said 'please' and 'thank you'. And she noticed. She said to them that she appreciated their manners and "Good job, Mom and Dad" and patted us on the back.

I was proud. Great job, kids!


RoverHaus said...

Hooray for good manners. This is something VERY important for us and something we are working on.

It's funny, in Mexico, they think American's are oftentimes cold because we don't say 'please' or 'thank you'.

We're just being normal, but to them Donald Trump rude.

Great job guys!

Elisa Seaba said...

Good job! Take it from a server, it is very refreshing to wait on the few families that have taught their children manners! Every time i wait on ones that aren't trained i am reminded to go home and do some training :)

Aaron and Sara said...

Cool! I think we'll start that. We have one really timid kid, so maybe that will help get her out of her shell.