Saturday, August 30, 2008

The miracles haven't stopped yet...Yea!!

Well, what a change today has been from the rest of the week. And to think -- God knew it was coming all along. (insert sighs of relief repeatedly here)

I will mostly be posting some pics from our day and let you decide what kind of day it was. I will, however, give you a brief introduction.

The day started out with Jacob and me going to Men's breakfast at church. Now, just the breakfast alone would've been worth getting up for, which comes from Weck's. Bacon, Eggs, Hashbrowns, Tortillas and Green Chile sauce...mmmmmmmm! Ok, ok.

So the better part of the breakfast was actually being reminded from pastor that we men are to be warriors and we have a battle to fight, we have weapons to fight with and we are not alone in the fight. The reminder that we are not alone was the best part for me. Then we broke into "huddles" and answered 2 questions with each other. 1. What battles have you been facing this week? and 2. How can your "Band of Brothers" help you face those battles?"

Well, if that wasn't an open invitation to share, I don't know what is. So I did. Just getting it off of my chest was a huge relief, but that's not all. One of our elders was at the table and it hit him why God had put a certain passage in 1 Samuel on his heart this morning. Short story (ha ha) is that God wanted him to give my family and me a gift. He paid for me to take the family to a fun center for a great day! Two other guys helped as well. Then later today, we received two other gifts. Oh my!

Now, I will say that seeing God move that way was simply awesome. But, even more than that, I now have 4 other men, in my church, who know exactly where I'm at, love me anyway and are there to see us through this battle. They were so encouraging!

Now here is the fun we had today. Enjoy these life-enhancing photos of my beautiful family having a totally fun-filled day.

What a fun family!!

I climbed this 30' rock wall too, and I'll try to post a short video later.

How many hole-in-one's did I have?


Mr. Nascar

What a cutie!

Get a load of that laughing face. He had a blast!


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

huge tears in my eyes!!! God is good! soooo good! and faithful!!1
and caring!!!

Bekah said...

God IS good! Glad you had a nice time out! :-)