Jumping on the Couch ~ something Mom's secretly do when their kids aren't looking; a blissful reaction to the realization that the house can now be kept clean for 5-7 hours a day; occuring around September and January.
This post is about my kids going back to school. Tuesday, Sept. 2nd was the big day. The kids were actually excited to go back.
On the way to school Tuesday morning, I was driving along and so it began:
"Mom, when we get there, no 'huggies and kissies', ok?...Well, just 'huggies'," says Anna.
"And don't call us any silly names, Mom!" Caleb chimes in. (What? Me? Like "Sweetie" or "Cay-cay") Oh, alright. I'll refrain.
"You're not, like, going to walk in with us, are you?" asks Jacob, very cool-like.
"You bet I am!" says I. Hey, I got dressed up. I'm not in my sweats and a ponytail. And, as long as I feel the need, I'll be taking them in on their first day every year!
So, as we hauled all of the STUFF into their classrooms (see "Wifey-Poo's" post on how ridiculously long the school supply list is!) I tried my best to be the cool mom, and just let them go to their desks and ignore my presence. I did require a hug from Caleb and Anna, who secretly wanted one, but didn't want to ask. I held myself back from kissing their heads and calling them "Sweetie", and simply took one picture of each of them before their friends saw me...GASP!!
Then I walked to the car feeling rather melancholy about the whole thing. (Good thing I AM melancholy so that these feelings don't take me by surprise). I sat in my van and took a picture of myself to send to Jarrod. This was to prove that I looked good sending them off to school...and that I was about to go home and JUMP ON THE COUCH!!
What a good mom you are! You keep walking those kids to class and calling them sweetie, someday they'll look back and remember how cool of a mom you really are!
8th grade was Stephie's official cut off this year! :-( What can you do? She is an official teenager!
Your kids are so big! What are you going to do with all of your spare time?! Ha! Ha? (As a stay at home mom, what do you do all day, anyway?) MMhmmm. Hope that couch has a lot of bounce in it! Enjoy! Then, get to back to work!!!! Really, enjoy your time! Love ya!
your a funny, girly! I loved that you sent a pic. to send to Jarrod. Ha.
I concur your kids ARE so BIG! How come? Is time moving on that fast?
I'm a little late on replying to a comment Jarrod made on my blog regarding 'burps'. But believe me, we've laughed about that one a lot in the past couple of weeks. It has brought us much need moments of comic relief. So, don't be TOO embarrassed by him. :)
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