So, I've been wanting to put a post on our blog, but don't seem to either have the inspiration or the time. It seems like I wait to post anything until there's just too much to post at one time. I need to get in the habit of other blogger friends that just post a quick note and a pic, like my friend
Jason. His posts are great little snippets into their lives. I need to do that more.
Now another reason why I probably haven't posted in a while (other than the silly
Olympics clip) is that I've been depressed. Yes, it's true. Unfortunately, Jarrod is not always upbeat, happy and full of fun. Why? Money, er the lack of. Why do we have to have money to live?! Ever ask that? Why does everything cost? Can't we all just live in this big world and share everything? :)
I'm nearing 40 years old (39 this December) and I'm still in what I would consider an entry-level job. If the job itself isn't entry-level, then the pay definitely is. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but this isn't it. Jesus said that He came to give us "a rich and satisfying life". The one I'm living right now is far from that. How did I get here? More importantly, how in the world do I get out of here?
Last week our pastor spoke about Blind Bartimaeus (hey, I spelled that w/o looking!) in
Mark 10 starting at verse 46. I've heard this story many times before. Bart, as I call him, is sitting along the side of the road as a beggar. All he really has is a cloak. It's his life; his home; even his livlihood as it's where people toss coins as he begs. It is said that this cloak could very well have represented more than half his wealth.
How did Bart get here? Was he always blind? Has he always been a beggar? I don't know, but for some reason he is in this condition now. As we all do, he had a choice as to whether or not he would just accept his condition as his lot in life and settle, or not. Sometimes when our conditions change, we jus
t settle, even though we know this is not the life God has for us.
But, he heard Jesus, the Messiah, was coming by. When Jesus comes by, everything has the potential to change. For me, where I'm at today, is not where my health, my career or my finances should be. So, what do I do when "Jesus comes by"?
Now Bart couldn't see, but he uses what he has left (his hearing) and when he hears that Jesus is coming he shouts out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Bart stating that Jesus was the son of David was a statement of faith. It says that he believes that Jesus is the Messiah and being in the middle of a bunch of Jews, that was a bold statement. Some of those around him tried to hush him up. But, he persisted and shouted all the louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
Well, above all the noise of a raucous crowd, Jesus heard Bart's cries of faith and sent word for Bart to come see him. Then Bart threw aside his cloak. Remember, this is his life, his shelter his livlihood and he is blind, but he throws it to the side. Now, to me, that means that he so believes in Jesus that he is either not going to need that cloak anymore (not have to beg) or that he is at least going to have his sight (be healed) and be able to find it again. Then, he jumped up and went to Jesus. It doesn't say they led him to Jesus, but he found his way to him.
Then Jesus asks, "What do you want?" as if He doesn't already know. Of course Jesus knew Bart's condition, just like he knows yours and mine. But I think that He wants us to communicate our need to Him. Bart told Jesus that he wanted to see. There aren't any formulas. Bart didn't have to say the right prayer 4 days in a row or any other kind of "magical" procedure. He just stated it very faith. In faith, believing that Jesus could do it.
Jesus healed him and Bart followed Him. So, I'm crying out in faith like Bart did. I'm getting up from my "beggar position" and asking God to change my condition.
Do you ever feel you've settled for less that God's best?