Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall is in the air...

Well, with the cool fall weather comes the sights and sounds we all enjoy. Last night, while Melissa was at work, the kids and I carved some pumpkins. I realized while doing this, that I don't recall ever doing it before. Anyway, we had fun. The other thing I did that was "fallish" was today I created a crockpot of my own chili concoction. Yes, I'm without a job and am in Mr. Mom mode right now. Anyway, it wasn't at all like my dad's cowboy chili. More like my mom's chili, but a little hotter thanks to the jalapeno I put in it. Mmmmm...

Here are the pumpkins that are sitting on our front porch.


Bekah said...

Two posts with in a week! Very nice! I really enjoy your blog and only heckle you because I can't do it in person anymore. I decided to start our own Granstrom blog ( so if I start slacking over there, feel free to yell at me! :-)
You guys are still in our prayers!

Bekah said...

Two posts with in a week! Very nice! I really enjoy your blog and only heckle you because I can't do it in person anymore. I decided to start our own Granstrom blog ( so if I start slacking over there, feel free to yell at me! :-)
You guys are still in our prayers!

Bekah said...

WOW, two blog posts with in a week of each other! NICE! That balloon festival just looks beautiful! You've inspired me to start a blog for the Granstrom family, so if you feel inclined go check it out.
Oh, and if I start slacking with my blog updates,feel free to yell at me, since I've given you a hard time about keeping yours updated.
Miss you guys and know that you are in our prayers!

Aaron and Sara said...

Great pictures!! They look so spppoooky. Fun, Fun.
I miss the Oct. weather. Somehow dust just doesn't convey the same Fall feeling.