Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Next Up?

The "Bonnet Story" has come and gone. Now I must tell you about my newest venture...POTHOLDERS.
Ok, this was not my idea. My sweet little Anna Mary informed me that her class is doing an Economics study (BTW- shouldn't that not matter until High School?!?), and they each have to choose something to make AND SELL by June 13th. So, she came home from school a couple of weeks ago and told me that she's selling potholders; ie: "Mom, you have to make 15-20 potholders!!" Oooh, me hates school projects.
Ok, says I.
Well, you know perfectly well that Mom's put it off, even unknowingly, until the clock begins loudly ticking in your brain and you get that frantic flutter in your heart. I mean, it's not like we have nothing else to think about, or do, or go to. Well, this time I have all week to work on this, but Anna is NOT getting off scott-free- what does that mean, anyway??
Yesterday I cut, and cut, and cut, and cut. Mind you, this is with some crappy scissors because my fabric scissors have vanished since "The Bonnet Story"!! I decided to make a "sample" to see how easy or hard this would be. "Hmm, not too bad. Oops, I sewed one side of the potholder on backwards. Oh well, that one's for us!" Next sample... "Dang! I don't have enough trim for all 16 potholders!" A trip to WallyWorld, and I'm back in business.

So, when Anna Mary got home from school I set her in front of the sewing machine, showed her how to "quilt" the lines across all of these squares of fabric, and she away she went. I had to stop putting my hands all over the machine and fabric and just let her sew, for Pete's sake!! She did a great job!! However, after ONE was finished, she disappeared outside, and I didn't see her again until supper time. Alrighty, then, only 13 more to go. I think I'll duct tape her to the chair today and tell her that I'll take her for an ice cream cone if she finishes all of them by tomorrow night! That's not bribery, is it?


Becky said...

I found out what to get off scot free means and where it came from. I have this book of origins of words and sayings, geeky, I know, but I love that kind of stuff! "Scot free- ...the meaning of scot is almost unknown in America. But it comes from Old English; it then meant, as now, a payment , or, espec., ones share in the cost of some entertainment; later it came to mean also a tax. hence, 'to go Scot free' is, literally, to be free of payment or tax" So, there you have it!

Bekah said...

Whatever happened to the nylon loops and plastic grid for making pot holders? You all are way to advanced for my abilities! Have fun girl!

Melissa Flaming said...

Snaps to Becky for keeping me "In the know"! I now know who to refer to for future questions!
Bekah, Anna has the loop thing somewhere. Why didn't I think of that before?!? Too late now.