Monday, May 12, 2008

Stanley Steamer Strikes Again

Ok, today I am going to tackle the downstairs...shampooing the carpet. Jarrod is due home this evening, and I've come to the point that I can't stand to walk downstairs and see the nastiness of our carpet any longer!! For one thing, it's a rental house, so the carpet is "used" anyway. For another, I have three very active kids, and we are NOT the kind of family who takes their shoes off every time we come inside. We're just not. So, excuse the "ickiness" of this, but with a dog who has thrown up several times (thank you, kids, for feeding him who knows what!), a son who last week put a blanket over his head and ran face-first into the couch and busted his nose, bleeding profusely on the carpet, and kids whose shoes are always tracking in dirt, the time has come to TRY and get all of that out! Shall I post before and after pics? Hmmm, maybe just the "after" pics would be best.


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

love this post! cute! makes me wanna get our our steamer too!

Bekah said...

Oh my word Melissa, I know exactly what you are talking about. Stephanie got ambitious and decided to clean my kitchen grout. It didn't take long to notice that the tile along the group line was getting a lot cleaner too. So now she is cleaning the whole floor. As I sit typing this comment, my kitchen floor has a distinct line of clean and unclean! Who knew it looked SO BAD! YIKES!