Monday, May 19, 2008

Quick Note

Well, I must say that I am proud of myself this morning. Instead of ANOTHER cup of coffee when I took the kids to school, I just TOOK THE KIDS TO SCHOOL. Then, when I got home, I debated on whether to fix myself some breakfast (aka: FAT STUFF), and instead made myself a delicious and filling banana smoothie. Must...lose...3...more...pounds...before...Friday!!
Jarrod's 20th reunion is this weekend, and although no one else will care WHAT I look like, it matters to me.
By the way, Jarrod gets home tonight from his latest trip for the State of NM. He was down in the SouthEast corner all weekend. I am ready to see his smiling face.


Shan said...

BahHA! I can palpate your struggle Melissa! We went to mine last summer and I remember at both the 10 and 20 trying to be my very skinniest possible for these people who were no doubt doing the same. It's terrible that we care so much-but alas-we do tend to feel more confident with less chins to worry about! Have a wonderful time!! They are much more easy going at the 20 but also much harder to recognize. :)

Shan said...

BahHA! I can palpate your struggle Melissa! We went to mine last summer and I remember at both the 10 and 20 trying to be my very skinniest possible for these people who were no doubt doing the same. It's terrible that we care so much-but alas-we do tend to feel more confident with less chins to worry about! Have a wonderful time!! They are much more easy going at the 20 but also much harder to recognize. :)

AfricaBleu said...

You can do it! Have fun.

Suzanne said...

I cna't understand why I haven't lost weight. I know those no bake cookies had oatmeal in them. I still have a card for you.