Monday, January 28, 2008

Cookie - Our Cocker Spaniel

Hey! After two years of promises to the kids, we finally got a dog today. Melissa and I went to the dog shelter today and there was this beautiful dog that had just been brought in about 20 minutes earlier. We looked around at the others, but our hearts were smitten. We put a reserve on him, and went to run some other errands. We came back and signed the papers. Since he's been neutered, he was half price! What a deal!

Isn't he a cutie!?! He is going to be a great fit for our family! I kept him at home while Melissa went to get the kids from school. They knew we were going to look, so of course they asked Melissa if we got one. She said, "Well, we looked but some just weren't ready to take home. But dad has a "Cookie" at home for you." Aren't we sneaky? Boy were they surprised when they walked in and heard him bark.


Anonymous said...

Cute dog....even though I'm a cat person! :o) Hey, you were wanting to know who looks at your blog? Well, I check it occasionally to see what you are up to so keep it up!

tkoerner said...

It's a good thing you have the picture of just Cookie, because a person wouldn't be able to tell which one the dog is in the second picture. LOL

Becky said...

Now you have 4 children!! Cookie is a cutie! I check your blog all the time to keep up with you. I usually don't have a lot of time to comment, but today you're in luck!! Miss you guys but it's good to stay connected via your blog!