Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We're Moving...but not far!

The Flamings
6323 Bisbee Pl.
Albuquerque, NM 87114

Since we've only been losing jobs, changing jobs, and changing churches...we are bored. Sooooo, we're moving! Just kidding! That's not why we're moving. But we ARE moving.

Since moving the kids to a new school in ABQ, we began researching the benefits of moving into ABQ instead of staying in Rio Rancho. One morning Jarrod and I were looking at several houses that were possibilities, but just didn't seem to fit, and we decided NOT to pursue them. We then turned the corner and there was this beautiful house with a sign in the yard. We got out and looked in the windows and around the yard and fell in love with it. However, I figured it was way out of our price range, but I called about it anyway. It was RIGHT SMACK DAB in the middle of our price range!!!

Now remember, Jarrod had just quit his job, we are searching for a new church home, and I work part-time at Kohl's (little bucks!). During this time I got hired on at Dillard's for more money, and Jarrod got a temporary job. The unexpected blessing about his temp job is that, instead of lasting 10 days, it may be more like 2 months!! Also, we had told our neighbors, who are our landlords, that we were searching for different housing, since our lease is almost up. They took it upon themselves to go around the neighborhood and collect food for our family. This has happened 4 different times in the past two weeks!

Meanwhile, we are daily praying and reading the Scriptures of Matt. 6 and 7, Phil. 4:13, basically any and every Psalm, which gave us hope that God was going to supply our needs, that He DOES really, really, really care about us! We have just been asking God to walk each step with us, which of course, He always does!

We applied for the house and through different circumstances we felt like we had been denied. Then out of the blue, they called and said we WERE approved! Here's the clincher: We had to sign the lease AND pay our deposit within two days...then move in within 14 days!!

Well, true to God's nature, He has provided just enough on a daily basis to pay for what we need today. We don't know where the rest of the rent is coming from, nor the money for our bills, but God does. What a relief!!

Here are a couple pics of the front and back to help you celebrate with us...and in case you have never lived in New Mexico...the big "box" on the roof is a swamp cooler...look it up!


Bekah said...

It looks so nice! Congratulations! Once you get moved in you'll have to post some interior pictures!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and may God provide in an abundant and awesome way! It's a beautiful home! Jen Markgraf

Suzanne said...

That is so awesome. Looks like a great home. God never fails us. My life verse is Jer 29:11. Miss you at Mothering Matters. Also Leanne had a little Mom and Daughter Mary Kay night the other night, thought about you guys.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home! We'll be looking next summer for a new place, hopefully closer to Bailey!