Thursday, July 26, 2007

Trying to be a good Housewife

I am sitting here in this office. I am supposed to be CLEANING it. But every time I come in here I think, "Ok, I could start pulling everything out of here, OR...I could get on Facebook and see how my friends are doing." So, guess what I've been chosing lately??

You see, this office is so pitiful that just thinking about cleaning it makes me want to eat a chocolate bar! Help.

Also, this is the first day in, oh....two and a half years (it seems) that all three of my kids are actually playing together and not killing eachother! So I feel that I have to take advantage of the quietness. It might only last another two seconds.

Can anyone relate?


Anonymous said...

I hear you girl and I can SO relate! Hope you day ended as well as it was going! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Missy! I was going to say you better get the office cleaned before October but then I thought maybe AC and I could help you knock it out in no time flat. Can't wait to spend some time on you patio again. Love you