Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Update on Adolescence

Last night Jacob told me that he's just so jealous of ALL of his friends, because they ALL get to date. I said, "Well...really? Uh, where do they get to go, and how do they get there? They're only 10-11."
Jacob, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I dunno."
I replied, "Jacob, sweetie, I think your friends might be telling you some tall tales. I don't think they really go on dates, because it's another 5 years or so until they can drive anywhere to GO on a date. What do you think?"
Jacob agreed.
"Don't worry, Jake. You have lots of time."
I DID tell him that next week, when I drive for his field trip, that Katie-Lynn can go with us. I could tell that he was trying to figure out how many we can fit in our truck, and if it would be cool to have girls (one, in particular) come along.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Does Anyone Have a Paper Bag???

I am trying not to hyperventilate, but, you see, my 10 year old son just told me last night, and this for the first time EVER, that he likes a girl at school! I knew there was a reason that he was acting "differently" yesterday.

It happened like this:

Jacob: "Mom, can I call Dad?"

Me: "Sure, Babe."

Jacob: "Mom, can you take Cookie downstairs while I talk to Dad?"

Me: "Ok...what's THAT about? Oh well."

(Melissa walks back upstairs to hear the tail end of the conversation)

Jacob: " 15 or 16? Oh, ok. Hey, do you want to talk to Mom?"

(hands Melissa the phone)

...30 minutes later...

Jacob: "Mom, how old were you when you went on your first date?"

Me: "Oh, I think about 16 or so. Why? (hee hee hee)"

Jacob: "I just wanted to know...(pause)...Well, ok, I'll tell you....

I like this girl."

(Melissa about chokes on her spit, and fumbles with her next crochet stitch, then takes a deep breath and calmly says,)

Me: "You do? Wow. What's her name?"

Jacob: " Katie-Lynn."

(Melissa sighs. A good sigh, though, as that is the cutest name!)

Me: " Oh, she's in your class, isn't she? What is it that you like about her?"

Jacob: "She's really nice, Mom."

( Conversation continues for a couple minutes)

Me: "Well, Jacob, I think it's wonderful that you are friends with her. You just keep on being her good friend, ok?"

Jacob (very relieved to have gotten this off his chest): "Ok, Mom."

Whew. Where was Jarrod when I needed him? Up in Santa Fe, but as soon as I tucked Jacob in and prayed with him, I ran downstairs and called Jarrod on speed-dial to tell him all I had just endured!

You see, just the night before we had been talking to some friends of ours about how Jacob is still in the "Girls are gross" stage. And even if he did like a girl, he'd NEVER admit it! Since he looks 15 years old, he has been getting some "looks" from teeny-bopper girls this summer, but he's been scared out of his wits as to what to do with that!! He's 10 years old, for Pete's sake!!

I caught him taking this picture of himself this morning! Hilarious!

And so, once again, I tightened my grip on this thing we call life, and I'm hanging on by my fingernails!!
Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Little House on the Mesa

Ok, I taught myself to crochet this week. The wonders of the Internet never cease to amaze me. I googled "How to crochet", and BAM, up popped all kinds of video tutorials, etc. That was Monday afternoon. I happened to have extra yarn from when I taught myself to knit last year, and a crochet hook that I got when knitting seemed to be "taking off" for me...Well, I knit 1 1/2 scarves, then lost interest because the yarn I got was this cool lumpy kind that was hard to see the stitches and my scarves turned out kinda crooked. However, I was told that crocheting is easier, so I decided to give it a whirl.
Whatdoyaknow?? It IS easier. AND superfun.
So, I'm now crocheting a crooked scarf for my first project (that one will be mine...or Anna's). I attempted to teach Anna, since it was HER idea to learn. That lasted 10 minutes. She threw the hook down, wound up the yarn, and headed upstairs.
Soooo, as I've had a lot of time to think while doing all this needlework, I began to think, "Hmmm, let's see. I've sewn a bonnet, 15 potholders, learned to knit, learned to crochet~all in the past year! I bake my own bread and pies. I'm beginning to feel like Caroline Ingalls!" Was I born in the wrong century? Honestly, if I could take my Kitchenaid Mixer and front-loading washing machine with me, I do believe that I would fit nicely into Pioneer Life. Ya think?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Caleb's Way of Thinking

Last week when I sent a lunch with Caleb to school, I thought I was being a really cool Mom by including Girl Scout Cookies. He loves cookies.

So, that evening I heard him talking about his lunch, how his Kool-aid thing had "leaked ALL OVER and made his stuff wet".

"Oh, no! Did it get your sandwich wet?", I asked.

"No. It was just a tiny little drop." Caleb replied.

(It leaked ALL OVER in one tiny little drop.)

Then I said, "Didn't you eat your Girl Scout Cookies?"

Caleb's response: "No."

My shock: "Why??"

Caleb, very matter-of-factly: "Mom!!.... Giiiirrrl Scout?"

The kid did not eat them because they have the name GIRL in them!!!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Lesson in Swamp Coolers

Ok, do any of you dear people have a clue what I mean when I say "Swamp Cooler"? How about "Evaporative Cooling System"?

Never fear~ I shall inform you today.

Here in the desert (by the way, the way I remember the difference between "desert" and "dessert" is that dessert is so good it deserves 2 "s's".) That was free, by the way.

As I was saying, here in the desert there is little to NO humidity (duh). And so, someone loooong ago came up with this idea of cooling your house with cold, moist air. Growing up in Albuquerque it was something I never even thought about. In fact, all I can remember is the big vent in the hallway. I don't ever remember being hot, unless I was outside. Well, "back then" the air was almost NEVER humid here, so swamp coolers worked great. They're super cheap to run, and although they look ridiculous sitting on your roof, they really did keep your house cool.

Ok, fast forward to 2008...this is Jarrod's and my first Summer in a house with a swamp cooler. In our other house in Rio Rancho, it was fancy-schmancy, and had Central A/C. Yeah, we paid out the wazoo for it, but life was good. The first week or so that we used this swamp cooler I was like, "Cool. This works great! What's the big diff? And it costs a fraction of what central air costs. Yippee!"

Well, you see, as soon as the air outside gets above, oh say, 20% humidity (and I know all of you people in the Midwest and South are laughing hysterically right now), the swamp cooler will refuse to blow cold air into your home. Instead, you get this warmish, wet air that invades your living area, and you spend the remainder of the day #1-sweating like when we lived in Arkansas, or #2-sitting under a fan as still as can be to avoid breaking a sweat.

...Guess which option I've chosen for these July and August days?!?

Not to mention the fact that my hormones have taken a turn for the worse the past two months.

I've added a picture of this contraption on our roof. I won't even begin to explain how it works, although if you REALLY want to know, ask Jarrod. He sold them at Home Depot way back when. And don't forget to ask him what "pooky" is.