Well, Christmas is offically over. I've taken all but the wreath off of our door (Jarrod's getting tired of the Jingle Bells jingling every time someone comes in), and the string of cards lining our stairway. It's not because I wish to hang on to 2007, it's more of a "Fiddle dee dee, I'll think about that tomorrow" mentality.
This week has been a confirmation that God intended children to go to school. My kids have been off since Dec. 3rd, and we are on week 5 of vacate. I'm about to do just that...VACATE!!!
I have officially given the TV permission to entertain my kids as often as it wishes! They are so great, but the "togetherness" is becoming "out-to-get-them-ness".
Yesterday Anna Mary and I made curtains for her room. I've felt so sorry for her, as she's the only girl, and with a crazy last 2 months, I've not had the time to fix up her new room. I went to Dillard's on New Year's Day for an INCREDIBLE sale (my Mom and I love to add the phrase ,"Plus our discount" because we both work at Dillard's), and was able to purchase some Tommy Hilfiger sheets for pennies on the dollar. I transformed them into Anna's new curtains!! We are now going to transform her room into a Hawaiian Paradise! Our plans are to make grass skirt tiebacks, and add a grass skirt bedskirt to her bed, a pink "surfboard" (that Jarrod doesn't know he's making for her yet) with her name on it, and a cool rug for her floor. Who says that one can't create beauty on a budget?!?
And so, I've been inspired to finish the boys' room (all football, of course), make curtains for the downstairs and my room, and generally finish "moving in" to our new home. I do not like white walls; however, "we rent, therefore we accessorize!!"
This week has opened my eyes to some new VeggieTales songs. My kids were out of the whole VT thing for quite a while, but when we discovered our new library, they began checking out quite a few newer DVD's unseen by the Flamings. My new favorite is the SUV song, sung by Larry and the lady veggie who plays one of the beauty contestants on the "Queen Esther" movie. It's hysterical!! Her voice is what makes that song. So yesterday the kids and I karioked to "Oh-oh...you and me, in our sport utility vehicles! Cruisin' to 7-11 for a bag of Frito-Lays".
Good Times!!